I'm a Scotland-based father of two that loves photography, drawing and music. This site is where I collect the images I've created. I don't have a particular style of photograph that I favour or even like to stay in one genre of creation. I'm happy to follow whatever interests me and therefore this site should be seen as more of a notebook of ideas rather than a formal porfolio.
(I realise that this is futile, so consider this nothing more than an attempt to have a civil conversation - something that is sadly lacking on the Web these days).
This site exists for my own satisfaction rather than the pursuit of social-media kudos or for profit. If you are an SEO consultant or marketer, please don't contact me with offers of internet-celebrity or untold riches. My absence from social media is deliberate.
If you want to reach me for other reasons (including enquiries about prints of my pictures), please do so via contact@ho.dges.online